Ancient Swords - 5 Types of Swords That You Should Know About

Want to know about different types of swords that exist out there? Well, it clearly shows that you are passionate about using swords and no...

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

3 Modern Swords Enthusiasts are Crazy For!

When we talk about enthusiasts, it’s all about love and craze for collecting different things. In recent times, they have stuck their attention to swords. Swords are definitely traditional weapons that have been replaced by firearms and nuclear weapons. But, they have never lost their popularity, ask these crazy enthusiasts. In fact, they have been modernized to make them more popular. Even today, swords are more popular than firearms. The modernization of these bladed weapons has encouraged enthusiasts to add them to their collection.

Modernization here refers to the change of designs, styles, and shapes of swords. Following are the three modern swords that have made enthusiasts crazy. Let’s find the reasons behind this craze:

1. Sword Cane

A sword, a cane, what a combination! This is a fantastic sword that absolutely determines its modernism. In modern times, we try to be creative and think out of the box. The manufacturer of this sword cane is indeed a genius who has designed it as per the needs of the modern people. Enthusiasts are crazy for it because it is a handy thing in their collection. They can use it for self-defense because it can’t be identified by the attacker. In fact, most of the people prefer it for defense against the attackers.

The sword is concealed inside the cane. So, it is a smartly designed weapon that can be used secretly. A cane would generally be used for walking, but when required, the blade can be pulled out. Apart from being an exceptional self-defense weapon, it is a fabulous thing placed at your home. It can be a masterpiece that would attract people. And this is why enthusiasts are crazy for this unorthodox sword.

2. Anime Swords

Do you love anime characters? Who doesn’t? These are the lovable characters who belong to an imaginary world. We also call this a fictional world. These characters are awesome because they are portrayed as heroes. The most common thing in this world is that superheroes would always have a sword. We know these as anime swords. Enthusiasts are crazy for these words because they want to replicate their favorite anime character by holding his sword. By maintaining a fine collection of anime swords, they can impress their mates. As these characters are awesome, so are their swords!

3. Movie and Video Game Swords

Like anime swords, movie swords are video game swords also belong to some imaginary world. When people watch movies, they often try to walk in the shoes of their heroes. An enthusiast would love to have a sword held by his favorite hero in the movie. The best thing about the modern world is that you can get almost everything you wish for. So, whether you like a sword from a movie or a video game, you will always have a chance to get a similar replica sword from the market. You can get your hands on a very similar sword so that you also replicate your favorite hero.